Posted on by JIAYAO XU

When we're browsing silk products, sometimes may get confused by the fabric on the label. Instead of being roughly categorized as "SILK", different names are given to the product fabric. We're going to list some of the most-seen silk types to help you make sure what kind of silk you're purchasing.


Mulberry silk Mulberry silk is the long silk fiber produced by domestic silkworm which feed on mulberry leaves. It is the most luxury silk type due to the complicated filature process and tremendous benefits to human skin and hair.
Tussah Silk Tussah silk, also known as ‘shantung’, is a type of wild silk, that is produced by silkworms that feed on oak and juniper leaves. It is shorter and coarser compared with the long mulberry silk.
Canton Crepe A soft crepe woven fabric with small crosswise ribs. Similar to crepe de chine but heavier.
China silk A plain weave silk of various weights. This silk is the “hand” or touch that many people identify as silk.  It is also known as Habutai, Pongee. Its weight can range from 5 mm to the heavier 12 mm. Most scarves are made of 8mm Habotai. 
Chiffon A transparent soft and light silk,also called georgette. Can also be woven of cotton or man-made fibers. A light, matt fabric made from fine twisted yarns, spaced out to make the fabric transparent.
Organza Similar to cotton organdy except it is made with silk and is transparent.
Charmeuse Refers to a silk that's woven in a particular way, allowing for extra luster and shine on the front side but a dull finish at the back. Charmeuse silk can be made from all kinds of different silk including Mulberry silk and is often used on products that does not require showcasing of both sides of the fabric.
Doupioni Refers to silk reeled from double cocoons nested together. The threads are uneven and irregular. Silk Doupioni is most often found in men’s and women’s fine suits and also dresses in lighter weight silk Doupioni.